I-mini esenzekelayo inomthi ocothayo we-1.5l ngembiza ephindwe kabini ye-ceramic
Kodwa ayisiyiyo yonke loo nto! I-Stenamer yombane ephindwe kabini igqibelele ekwenzeni isuphu ezimnandi. Its ceramic liner not only enhances the cooking process but also ensures that your meals are healthier, free from harmful chemicals often found in traditional cookware. The ceramic material provides even heat distribution, allowing your ingredients to cook evenly while preserving their essential vitamins and minerals.
I-0.7l-Mini-Steaker Steaker kancinci kunye ne-ceramic pot
Imodeli No.: DGD7-7BG
Imodeli No.: DGD25-25cwg
Imbiza ye-Pultifousty yombane
I-OEM / Ikoteyishini ye-ODM: $ 8.9 / Icandelo le-MOQ: I-1000 PCS
I-tonze yedijithali yentsimbi ye-Todze ye-3.5l yombane ecowweyo ngebhasikithi ye-steamer ye-steamer
Imodeli No.: DGD356EWG
Ngokuphathelelene kwe-3,5l yesisa, le phenyane icothayo igqibelele ekulungiseleleni ukutya okunentliziyo yonke kosapho lonke okanye isidlo esimiselweyo kwiveki ezayo. Ixhotywe ngomsebenzi we-steamer, esi sixhobo sihamba ngaphaya kokupheka kancinci. You can effortlessly steam fish and vegetables, preserving their nutrients and flavors while creating healthy, delicious dishes. I-Liner yentsimbi engenasitayile ayisongeza kuphela i-the kight yekhitshi yakho kodwa iyakwenza nokucoca umoya ovuthuzayo. -
Imodeli No.: DGD32222cG
I-Toodze's Dowze's Dowsecking sisixhobo sasekhitshini sokuhambahamba esikhethiweyo eyilelwe zombini ekhaya kunye nokusetyenziswa. Ibonisa uhlobo lwe-cemm-yohlobo lwe-ceramic, iyenza igqibelele ukugoba amathambo nokwenza isobho senkukhu. Umpheki usebenza kwi-110v kunye ne-220v, ukuqinisekisa ukuhambelana neenkqubo ezahlukeneyo zombane. Ngolawulo lwexesha ledijithali, unokuseta ixesha lokupheka kwaye uvumele umpheki ocothayo usebenze umlingo wayo. Imbiza engaphakathi ye-ceramic iqinisekisa nokubashushu kwaye igcina izondlo kunye nentanye yokutya. Lo mpheki ucothayo awusebenzi nje kuphela kodwa kwakwalula ukucoca kwaye ugcine. Luhlobo olufanelekileyo kwabo bafuna ukulungiselela ukutya okumnandi nokwenzakala komzamo omncinci. -
I-Tonze Eatic Moishini ye-Mini Shicial Coskers Comakers Conssert Dessert ubisi lwentaka ye-pists
I-OEM / Ixabiso le-ODM: $ 29.5 / iiyunithi ze-moq:> = 1000Ccs (inkxaso eyenziwe ngokwezifiso)
Eli biler ye-ceramic yase-ceaidic ephindwe kabini yenzelwe ukutshixa iincasa zendalo kunye nevumba lemithombo yakho. By sealing the pot tightly, this electric stewpot creates a pressure-cooker-like environment, intensifying the taste and creating mouthwatering dishes.
I-coyike yentaka ecothayo enencasa kunye nesibambo
This portable slow cooker cup,upgraded handle type anti-scald bracket.Using professional bird's nest and tonic stewing procedures to lock in nutrients without loss. Whether you love bird's nest for its health benefits or simply enjoy its delicate flavor, our 0.7L glass saucepan is sure to enhance your cooking experience. Thetha kakuhle kumngxunya wesondlo kunye ne-head kwi-veni ephekiweyo ephekiweyo, enezitya zentaka nge-saucepan enkulu. -
This Multifunctional Pot is designed for easy breakfast cooking. Ngalo mpheki wombane, unokuhlala ubisi olufudumeleyo kunye namaqanda amaqanda njenge-agg uthotho kwaye unokutsalwa nawo unokutsala i-porridge. Ngumphambukeli owoyikisayo owomntu ngamnye. Kulula ukupheka intaka yokupheka.