Tonne Ceramika haýal baky
TONZE does not satisfy that the slow cooker inner pot has always been a chemical coating, but put forward a higher demand for the health of inner pot material without chemical coating. Suw bilen ýuwaşlyk bilen bişirilýär (suw göni iýmit bilen göni aragatnaşyk bilen habarlaşmaň), ýakma ýa-da ýelmeýän ýagdaý ýok. Cook the delicate ingredients without losing nutrition.
Iýmitlenmegi we hakyky we täze tagamy ýok bolýan täsin suw möhürlenen suw möhürlenen suw möhürlenen suw guýulýan patent bilen keramiki çyzykly keramiki çyzyk bilen
DGD16-16BW keramiki demirçi
It adapts food grade PP and high quality ceramic natural material inner pot, which could cook healthy food, And it uses water-insulated stew pot to Lock Nutrition By Water-insulation Techniques.With several liners, Several liners working at the same time, can şol bir wagtyň özünde iýmitiň dürli tagamlaryny öwrediň.
Model No.: DGD8-8BG
Zawodyň bahasy: $ 9.5 / birlik (OEM / ODM goldawy)
This chinese ceramic double boiler adapts food grade PP and high quality ceramic natural material inner pot, which could cook healthy food, And it uses water-insulated stew pot to Lock Nutrition By Water-insulation Techniques. Ertirlik üçin ertirlik üçin teselli çemçesi porsy bişirmek ýa-da ajaýyp nahar bişirmek Gazana gelýän ýumurtga buglap, lezzetli we ýokumly naharlardan aňsatlyk bilen kämillik ýaşyna ýetmäge mümkinçilik berýän ýumurtga aňsatlyk bilen buglanmalary aňsatlyk bilen buglap biler.