Nekusarudzika kwayo-yakasarudzika-yemukati dhizaini, iyi magetsi steamer inoratidzira yakazvipira yakavezwa mazai ekunyora, achikubvumira kuti ugadzikane nekusagadzikana kugadzirira mazai ese akanyatso-tsika nguva dzese. Whether you're whipping up a quick breakfast or preparing a nutritious snack, this steamer ensures that your eggs are cooked to perfection, retaining their natural flavors and nutrients.
Asi hazvisi zvese! The Double-Inner Electric Steamer is also perfect for making delicious soups. Its ceramic liner not only enhances the cooking process but also ensures that your meals are healthier, free from harmful chemicals often found in traditional cookware. The ceramic material provides even heat distribution, allowing your ingredients to cook evenly while preserving their essential vitamins and minerals.
Yakashongedzerwa neyekuchengetedzwa nguva yebasa, uyu steamer inokutendera kuti uise nguva yako yekubika pamberi, kukupa rusununguko rweku multitask mukicheni kana kuenda kune mamwe mabasa. Nezvishanu zvishanu zvakasiyana, iwe unogona nyore kuchinja pakati pekupfura, uchibira, uye kuchengeta chikafu chako kudziya, uchiita kuti chishandiso chakawanda.
0.7l Mini Water-Stewing Anononoka Cooker neCeramic Pot
Model Kwete: DGD7-7BG
Iyo 0.7l masimba ceramic Bowl cooker akanyatso shuwa kune vanhu ve1-2, vachiita sarudzo yeavo vanowana zvidimbu zvidiki kana zvega zvega. Kunyangwe iwe uri kugadzira simbi inonyaradza, soup inonyaradza, kana sosi inonaka yeSando, iyi poto iyi ndiyo nzira yakakwana yekuita kuti yako yekubikisa isingafadzi uye inonakidza.
Tonze marti- shandisa crock pos stainless simbi otomatiki exker eleker cooker cooker pot
Model Kwete: DGD25-25CWG
Sangana neyedu 2,5l stainless simbi stew pot, chaunga chaunga chinoshamisa. CAFFTED kubva kune yakakwirira-mhando isina tsvina simbi, inovimbisa kusimba uye kunyange kupisa kupisa kwekubika zvisina kupomerwa. Yakashongedzwa neiyo nguva yekunyatso bata nguva, inobata stews, soups, uye yakabiwa ndiro dzakasununguka. The included steam tray and two ceramic inner pots allow for healthy steam cooking and simultaneous meal preparation. This pot's heat retention keeps food warm for longer. Customize with OEM support to match your brand. Simpiny yako yekubika maitiro uye kusimudza hunyanzvi hwako hwekuita neiyi stylish, iri nyore simbi hari. Kurongeka nhasi kune chinonakidza kubhejera mutambo.
Multifuncitional Electric exwing poto
This Multifunctional Pot is designed for easy breakfast cooking. With this electric cooker, you can warm milk and steam eggs as a egg cooker or egg Steamer and also you can stew porridge. It is a best glass cooking pot for one person usage. Iyo inoshandiswawo seyenzi inononoka bird dendere ine mvura yekubheka nzira, iyo inovimbisa kuti iyo dendere reshiri yakachengetedzwa, nepo iyo Stew Stew nzira yakanakira kugadzira yakapfuma uye inonaka swews.
Tonze digital stainless simbi 3.5L yemagetsi inononoka cooker ine steamer basket inononoka cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker cooker
Model Kwete: DGD35-35EWG
Nesimba remuviri, Yakashongedzerwa neiyo Steamer Basa, iyi appliance inopfuura kupfuura yetsika yekubheka zvishoma nezvishoma. You can effortlessly steam fish and vegetables, preserving their nutrients and flavors while creating healthy, delicious dishes. The stainless steel liner not only adds a touch of elegance to your kitchen but also makes cleaning a breeze. -
Fekitori inopisa kutengesa magetsi stew cooker Drum mhando yemagetsi ceramic inononoka cooker cooker cooker cooker
TONZE's slow cooker is a versatile kitchen appliance designed for both home and commercial use. It features a drum-type electric ceramic design, making it perfect for stewing bones and making chicken soup. The cooker operates at both 110V and 220V, ensuring compatibility with different power systems. With a digital timer control, you can set the cooking time and let the slow cooker work its magic. Iyo yeCeramic yemukati hari inovimbisa kunyange kupisa uye inochengetedza zvinovaka muviri uye kwekutanga kuravira kwechikafu. Iyi cooker cooker haina kunyatsobudirira asi zvakare nyore kuchenesa uye kuchengetedza. It's an ideal choice for those who want to prepare delicious and healthy meals with minimal effort. -
Tonze otomatiki mini yemagetsi girazi inononoka co2hs croker maPots Fors Comms Pudding maker Shiri
Model Kwete: GSD-W122B
OEM / ODM Mutengo: $ 29.5 / Units MoQ:> = 1000PCS (Yakatemerwa Tsigiro)
Iyi chiChinese ceramic mbiri boiler yakagadzirirwa kukiya mune zvakasikwa zvinwiwa uye zvinonhuhwirira zvako. Nekuisa chisimbiso muhari zvakasimba, iyi magetsi stewpot inogadzira nharaunda yekumanikidza-yakaita sedare, kuenzanisa kuravira uye kugadzira ndiro dzemuromo.
Dual Mini Girazi Pot Birdnest Cooker
Model Kwete: DGD13-13PWG
Tonze yakakwira kirasi yemagetsi magetsi akagadzirirwa kubheka by water method ensures that the nutrients of the bird's nest are preserved.