Tonze Baby Porph Tentable Why Whrmer OME BPA MILE MUKI
Tauira Nama: YM-D35AM
He miihini miraka miraka tenei, me te mahi inenga inenga pāmahana, ka taea te ine i te pāmahana o te miraka. E rua meneti te tere o te miraka miraka me te toru meneti o te miraka mahana, he kaiawhina pai i to lactation. Ka taea te whakamahi i tenei miihini miraka miraka mo te maha o nga pounamu, ahakoa te rahi o te pounamu, ka taea te whakatika. A he mea he mahi mahara, kaore e hiahiatia kia whakatakotoria, he waatea mo te koroua hei whakamahi. I tua atu, he mahi maama te po, kia taea ai e koe te ara i te waenganui o te po ki te whakapou i te miraka. -
Tote OMEEM 2 Puhi Puhi Puhi Puhi Sterbizer Knob mana whakahaere miihini kai kawe
Tauira Nama: RND-2AW
Tonzet Milse Parmer Mini Travent Knob Milmer Hormer Patmer
Tauira Nama: RND-1AW
Koinei te momo miihini nui o te tiaki i te peepi. He waatea, kaore e pai te waahi, te whakauru me te taakaro. In addition, this is also a baby milk heater to keep the warm milk at 45 ° C, maintain the nutrition of the milk, so that the baby has hot milk to drink. At the same time, this is also a baby food heater, 70℃ hot complementary food, rest assured feeding, is conducive to the baby's stomach health, the baby will not have an upset stomach. Finally, this baby care machine can also be sterilized and sterilized by turning the knob to 100 ° C steam sterilization, completely eliminating the fine seedling virus.
Tote OMEEM 2 Puhi Puhi Puhi Puhi Sterbizer Knob mana whakahaere miihini kai kawe
Tauira Nama: 2aw
Ka wheako i te waatea o to maatau mahana-koko paru, i hangaia mai i te kirihou ngawari-ki-horoi me te hanga mo te haumaru. Ko tenei taputapu taapiri he-tika mo nga matua, e tuku ana i te mahana me te whakahorotanga i roto i te kotahi. The intuitive rotary knob allows you to set the perfect temperature: 45°C for warming milk, 75°C for baby food, and 100°C for sterilizing bottles. Ko ta maatau mahana miraka e whakarite kia nui ake te wheako kai humarie mo to iti. Plus, it supports OEM customization, allowing you to create a product that aligns with your brand's identity and commitment to quality and safety.
Tonze kawe i nga kaikorero i te kowhiringa i te pounamu iti o te peepi peepi peepi
Tauira Nama: RND-1BM
Tirohia to maatau mahana-koko miraka, he kirihou kirihou BPA-kore mo te horoi ngawari me te whakarite kia ora te haumaru o to tamaiti. This compact and portable device features a one-touch heating function that gently warms milk to the desired temperature, providing a hassle-free feeding experience. Ko te Milk Milk-kowhai-kowhai kaore e taapiri noa i te ahua o te hihiri engari ka taea hoki te whakarite me te waitohu o to waitohu i tetahi tae ka tohua e koe. Perfect for parents on the go, our milk warmer is not just convenient but also a reflection of your brand's commitment to quality and safety. Mo nga pakihi e rapu ana ki te tuku hua ahurei, ka whakaratohia e matou he whakaritenga mo to waitohu.