

  • Kukus mini mini kothong otomatis Cooker 1.5L kanthi panci keramik dobel

    Kukus mini mini kothong otomatis Cooker 1.5L kanthi panci keramik dobel

    Model Ora: DGD15-15BG


    Nanging iku ora kabeh! Steamer listrik tikel kaping pindho uga cocog kanggo nggawe sup sing enak. Its ceramic liner not only enhances the cooking process but also ensures that your meals are healthier, free from harmful chemicals often found in traditional cookware. The ceramic material provides even heat distribution, allowing your ingredients to cook evenly while preserving their essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Model No.: DGD7-7-7BG


  • Tonze electric 2 ing 1 multi nggunakake pot godhok godhok keramik kanthi cooke kukus
  • Model No.: DGD25-25CWG

    Ketemu pot stain stainless steel 2.5L, nggumunake pawon multifunctional. Digawe saka stainless steel berkualitas tinggi, kanggo mesthekake kekiatan lan malah distribusi panas kanggo masak sing sampurna. Equipped with a timer for precise cooking times, it handles stews, soups, and steamed dishes with ease. The included steam tray and two ceramic inner pots allow for healthy steam cooking and simultaneous meal preparation. This pot's heat retention keeps food warm for longer. Customize with OEM support to match your brand. Simplify your cooking routine and elevate your culinary skills with this stylish, convenient stew pot. Order today for a delightful cooking adventure.

  • Model Nomer: DGD03-03ZG


    Pot multifungsial iki dirancang kanggo masak sing gampang masak. With this electric cooker, you can warm milk and steam eggs as a egg cooker or egg Steamer and also you can stew porridge. It is a best glass cooking pot for one person usage. It is also used as a slow cooker bird nest with water stewing cooking method ,which ensures the nutrients of the bird's nest are preserved, while the soft stew method is best for creating rich and delicious stews.

  • Tonze China Slower Slow Portability cilik cilik portabel 0.6L multi nggunakake produsen suplikas mini listrik kanthi uap endhog

    Tonze China Slower Slow Portability cilik cilik portabel 0.6L multi nggunakake produsen suplikas mini listrik kanthi uap endhog

    Model No.: 3ZG 0.6L


    Ngenalake ton Cooker Cooking Callope 0.6l - kanca pawon penting sampeyan kanggo masak! Designed with versatility in mind, this multi-functional slow cooker is perfect for those who appreciate the art of slow-cooked meals but have limited kitchen space. Whether you're craving a warm bowl of porridge to start your day, a comforting soup to nourish your soul, or a delightful dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth, the TONZE slow cooker has got you covered.
    Digawe nganggo liner gelas, tukang masak iki ora mung nambah banding estetika pawon nanging uga prioritas kesehatan lan safety.

  • Model Nomer: DGD35-35EWG


    Ngenalake tukang masak stainze 3.5l alon. Iku gateway menyang jagad kemungkinan sing enak. Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling multiple tasks, or a culinary enthusiast, the TONZE slow cooker is here to simplify your cooking process while delivering mouthwatering results.
    With a generous 3.5L capacity, this slow cooker is perfect for preparing hearty meals for the whole family or meal prepping for the week ahead. Equipped with a steamer function, this appliance goes beyond traditional slow cooking. Sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang lan sayur-sayuran uap, nglestarekake gizi lan rasa nalika nggawe sajian sing sehat lan enak. Liner stainless steel ora mung nambah sentuhan keanggunan kanggo pawon sampeyan nanging uga ngresiki angin.

  • Pabrik panas pabrik mesin cooker jenis cooker slipp3

    Pabrik panas pabrik mesin cooker jenis cooker slipp3

    Model No.: DGD32-32cg
    Tonze SLOOKE minangka piranti sing bisa dirancang kanggo panggunaan omah lan komersial. Iki duwe desain keramik listrik emas drum-jinis, dadi sampurna kanggo balung-balung lan nggawe sup ayam. Cooker makaryakke ing loro 110V lan 220V, mesthekake kompatibilitas karo sistem listrik sing beda-beda. Kanthi kontrol Timer digital, sampeyan bisa ngeset wektu masak lan supaya tukang masak sing alon bisa makarya. Pot batang keramik njamin pemanasan lan nahan nutrisi lan rasa asli panganan. Iki tukang masak iki ora mung efisien nanging uga gampang di resiki lan njaga. Minangka pilihan sing cocog kanggo sing pengin nyiyapake dhaharan sing enak lan sehat kanthi gaweyan minimal.

  • Tonze Kaca Listrik Mini Listrik Otomatis Slow Crooker Crock POTS DESKAIL susu Pudding Makam Burung Burung Burung

    Tonze Kaca Listrik Mini Listrik Otomatis Slow Crooker Crock POTS DESKAIL susu Pudding Makam Burung Burung Burung

    Model Nomer: GSD-W122B


    Boiler keramik ceramik Cina iki dirancang kanggo ngunci rasa alami lan aroma bahan sampeyan. By sealing the pot tightly, this electric stewpot creates a pressure-cooker-like environment, intensifying the taste and creating mouthwatering dishes.

  • Tukang masak kokul kukus

    Tukang masak kokul kukus

    Model No.: DGD10-10WWG-A


    This Steamer Slow Cooker features a removable steamer basket on the top, allowing you to steam your favorite vegetables or dumplings while simmering a delicious broth or soup in the bottom. Steamer panganan cilik iki ora mung ngirit wektu lan tenaga, nanging uga njamin jajanan sampeyan wis dimasak. Meanwhile, this is also a small electric cooker for baby food. Mummy easily use it to make baby porridge for child.

  • Dual Mini Mini Kaca birther

    Dual Mini Mini Kaca birther

    Model No.: DGD13-13-13-13-13-13PWG


    Piala Listrik Kaca Tonze Tongge dirancang kanggo masak panganan cuci mulut, bubur manuk lan suping sarang burung sing cocog karo omah sampeyan kanthi pot sing apik lan bisa dipisah Kanthi cara banyu mesthekake yen nutrisi susuh manuk kasebut dijaga.

  • Boiler Double Listrik

    Boiler Double Listrik

    Model Nomer: DGD40-40ag


    MOQ:> = 1000 unit pabrik rega: $ 28,8 / Unit

    Listrik dodolan dobel iki kalebu 4 keramik pot cilik, sampurna kanggo ngladeni dhewe utawa nyimpen sisa-sisa. Kajaba iku, kanthi pot sing akeh banget, nyedhiyakake papan sing akeh kanggo masak resep sing paling disenengi. Kajaba saka kukus luwih akeh nambah kemampuan masak set, saéngga sampeyan gampang sayuran, iwak, lan liya-liyane.