Tonze Oem Digital Feeded Botol Botol Susu Suhu Tanduran luwih anget
Model Ora: RN-D1AM
Salah sawijining fitur pamiras susu ton yaiku desain serbaguna, sing nyukupi macem-macem ukuran lan bentuk botol. Whether you're using standard baby bottles or specialized ones, this milk heater has you covered. Desain sing dipikirake mesthekake yen ora preduli apa botol sing dipilih, sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang panas kanggo kesempurnaan.
Tonze Multifunction Sederhana Ngontrol Susu Thermostatic kanggo bayi
TONZE Milk Warmer, a multifunctional baby care product designed to meet your parenting needs. With a 1.3L capacity, it keeps milk or breast milk at a constant temperature, ensuring your baby's delicate stomach is well cared for. Its intelligent temperature control technology maintains the beverage at an optimal warmth. Beyond just warming, the TONZE Milk Warmer also features chlorine removal, safeguarding your baby's drinking water by effectively eliminating chlorine. Kajaba iku, bisa nggawe teh, kateren karo pilihan minuman saka kulawarga. Susu susu luwih gampang ndadekake parenting lan luwih sehat.
Pompa susu portable 180ml
Model No.: Xn-s1am
Designed for the modern breastfeeding mother, the TONZE 180ml travel breast pump is a cordless, rechargeable breast pump that offers convenience and flexibility. Kanthi ngisi daya CATT-C kanthi cepet, sampeyan bisa kanthi cepet lan mlaku. This electric pump not only provides a hands-free experience but also allows you to store expressed milk for your baby's feeding needs, especially during nighttime. Cocog kanggo ibu-ibu sing sibuk, tonze 180ml pompa perjalanan siaran 180ml njerit manawa perawat yaiku angin, apa ing omah utawa ing Go. -
Pirang susu portable bayi anget oem bpa susu gratis
Model No.: YM-D35AM
This is a multi-functional milk shaking machine, with infrared temperature measurement function, can accurately measure the temperature of milk. Two minutes of rapid milk shaking function and three minutes of even warm milk, is a good helper during your lactation. This milk shaking machine can be used for a variety of bottles, regardless of the size of the bottle, can be firmly fixed. Lan duwe fungsi memori, ora perlu disetel bola-bali, trep kanggo wong tuwa sing digunakake. Kajaba iku, duwe fungsi cahya wengi, supaya sampeyan bisa tangi ing tengah wengi kanggo goyangake susu. -
Tonze oem 2 Botol Botol Silut Sterilizer tombol ngontrol mesin pemanasan panganan portabel
Model No.: RND-2AW
Sterilizer botol iki bisa nyekel rong botol lan cocog kanggo kabeh jinis botol ing pasar. Not only that, it has four uses: heating milk, boiling eggs, sterilizing baby bottles, and heating food. To achieve a multi-purpose machine, for the baby's safety and health all aspects of help. It is a good helper for mother and baby feeding stage. It also has four main functions: rapid heating of milk at 45 ° C; 70℃ heating complementary food, 100℃ high temperature steam sterilization is more thorough. Provide clean and hygienic feeding utensils for your baby.
Iki minangka mesin perawatan bayi sing multi-tujuh. Cukup trep, ora njupuk papan, plug lan muter. In addition, this is also a baby milk heater to keep the warm milk at 45 ° C, maintain the nutrition of the milk, so that the baby has hot milk to drink. At the same time, this is also a baby food heater, 70℃ hot complementary food, rest assured feeding, is conducive to the baby's stomach health, the baby will not have an upset stomach. Finally, this baby care machine can also be sterilized and sterilized by turning the knob to 100 ° C steam sterilization, completely eliminating the fine seedling virus.
Digital Botol Botol Botol Steriler Keramik Pot lan Kettle
Produsen panganan multifungsial iki duwe akeh fitur sing cocog kanggo sampeyan ngunggahake bayi. First of all, it is divided into two areas, one side is the disinfection drying area, it can provide you with disinfection, drying function, so that the baby uses the bottle clean and healthy, secondly, it can also thaw and make yogurt and Fungsi woh garing. Ing sisih liya yaiku area nyampur susu sing campuran, sing bisa susu utawa kopi utawa banyu. Mesin kasebut duwe panel LCD sing bisa dideleng kanthi jelas sajrone operasi ing wayah wengi. Iku jarum sing apik kanggo bayi sampeyan.
Tonze OEM Crockpot Slow Miniatur Miniatur Listrik Slow Cooker Slow
Equipped with an automatic keep warm function, our slow cooker ensures that your meals are served at the perfect temperature, ready for you whenever you are. Ora kuwatir maneh babagan sajian sing ora diresiki utawa adhem; Mung atur lan lali! With eight versatile cooking functions, you can easily switch between slow cooking, steaming, sautéing, and more, making it the ideal tool for a variety of recipes—from hearty stews to delicate desserts.
Pot batin keramik ora mung nyenengake kanthi estetika nanging uga promosi alami sing alami lan sehat. Kanthi lapisan nol, sampeyan bisa seneng katenangan kanthi ngerti manawa dhaharan sampeyan bebas saka bahan kimia sing mbebayani. Permukaan sing ora reaktif saka pot keramik nahan kanthi panas kanthi merata, mesthekake yen panganan sampeyan wis dimasak kanthi sampurna saben-saben.
Kompak lan gayane, tukang masak alon-alon cocog karo rapi menyang papan pawon, dadi tambahan kanggo countertop sampeyan. Whether you're preparing a meal for one or a small gathering, this slow cooker is designed to cater to your needs without compromising on flavor or nutrition.
Model No.:DGD20-20WD
Presentasi tukang masak keramik alon-alon keramik, tambahan sing apik lan praktis kanggo pawon sampeyan. This adorable 2-liter capacity cooker boasts a pink ceramic interior, which not only adds a pop of color to your culinary space but also guarantees even heat distribution for perfectly slow-cooked meals. Timer multi-fungsi ngidini rencana panganan fleksibel, mbisakake sampeyan kanggo nyetel lan lali, njamin panganan wis siyap nalika sampeyan. Ngontrol telpon sing ramah pangguna nggawe proses nyetel wektu masak lan suhu, dadi sampurna kanggo sup, stews, lan liya-liyane. This slow cooker is not just a kitchen tool but a statement piece that combines functionality with aesthetic appeal, perfect for those who love to cook with style and ease.
Experience the convenience and health benefits of our 0.7-liter Slow Cooker, featuring a durable ceramic interior that's not only easy to clean but also free from harmful coatings, ensuring a healthier cooking environment. Despite its compact size, this versatile pot is adept at preparing a variety of dishes, from hearty soups and comforting porridge to perfectly cooked rice. Fungsi masak masakan siji intuisi nggawe proses masak, kanthi nyiapake dhaharan. Dirancang kanthi fungsi lan gampang panggunaan, tukang masak sing paling apik yaiku tambahan sing cocog karo pawon. Kanggo bisnis kepengin nawakake produk unik, kita uga nyedhiyakake pilihan pangaturan OEM kanggo nyelarasake identitas merek sampeyan.
Elevate your kitchen with our 0.8-liter Slow Cooker, featuring a ceramic interior that's effortless to clean and healthier without any chemical coatings. Powerhouse cilik iki bisa adep ing sup sing alon-alon, bubur bir, malah kalebu kranjang kukus kanggo endhog sing sampurna. Panel digital multifungsi paling akeh nawakake macem-macem pilihan masak lan kepenak wektu sing bisa diprogram. For businesses, we provide OEM customization to match your brand's unique identity, making this Slow Cooker not just a tool, but an extension of your brand's excellence.