Chan eil tonna nach eil rianail gu robh poit chruaidh a-riamh na chòmhdach ceimigeach an-còmhnaidh airson slàinte stuth poit inerent gun chòmhdach ceimigeach. It is softly stewed through water (water do not contact with food directly) , no burnt or sticky situation. Cook the delicate ingredients without losing nutrition.
Pot log tlze le cupa insulation dùbailte
Tha e air a dhèanamh gu tur le PPP PP PP MENTIC POP + 0.3l Pot a-staigh glainne-uisge gus beathachadh uisge-uisge a dhèanamh - grunn loidhnichean ag obair aig an aon rud time, can stew different flavors of food at the same time.